Thanks Dr. Bob. You may regret that statement one day though - once I get started there's usually no stopping me!
New Zealand is the most beautiful country I have ever visited, been there twice and hope to go again next year. Wonderful country, wonderful people.
So, hello.
Welcome Small Dave! I'm sure Ian can correct me, but to my reckoning we now have members on 4 our plans for world domination are coming on (slowly) retreats in to corner of room laughing maniacally........
sorry about that, welcome once again!
Thanks Dr. Hill. My goodness, there are rather a lot of doctors on this forum. I'll know where to come for answers if I get sick!
Yep, one of the 'perks' of being an ex-pat (which I always thought meant a former Irishman!) is that when I subscribe to UK based forums (or is it 'fora'?) I'm generally the only member in sub-Saharan Africa. Of course, the downside is that attendance of parties, conventions and general piss-ups organised by such forums / fora is never really an option for me. I think the bus fare from Johannesburg to Brighton, for instance, would be well beyond my means.
Thanks again for the welcome though, much appreciated.
Hello !I am a new member. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here?
Good day you guy !
watch online movies
Well, I'm a newcomer here myself, or 'newbie' as the hip and trendy would say, but I was warmly welcomed so I see no reason why you too should not also be likewise similarly welcomed as well. So let me be the first to welcome you warmly, or for those who prefer the split infinitive, to warmly welcome you.
P.S. On the split infinitive thing, I was going to say 'To warmly welcome you where no man has warmly welcomed you before', in a Star Trek stylee, but then I thought it just sounded rude, a bit like Robert's fascination with getting a warm hand on his opening, so I didn't. Oh bugger, I just did!
I think you may of replied to a artificial intelligence there Small Dave, and I don’t mean Dr Hill?
Hello Small Dave, gosh, you sound like you were made for this place!
A hearty welcome, I look forward to more of your poetry
I think you may of replied to a artificial intelligence there Small Dave, and I don’t mean Dr Hill?