Damn right my hedgey friend
Bit of an all rounder are you, do you play in a band (or bands)?
All rounder? Well I am getting a bit rotund in my dotage...oh I see what you mean.
Bass, not to shabby, all the others...hmmmmm...I think the term "Enthusiast" applies here.
If I'm honest 45 secs on the olde double bass drums these days and I'm lying in a heap inhaling my own kidneys.
Not a pretty sight.
EDIT: No I don't play in bands anymore.
I'm a gardener.
Greetings all! I've been a Rankin fan for many years, I think I first read my brother's copy of The Most Amazing Man Who Ever Lived when I was 11 or 12 (sometime in the late 90s) and have been hooked ever since!
Never quite got round to joining the old Sproutlore fanclub and am happy to finally have joined the Order of the Golden Sprout
I look forward to getting to know you all!
EDIT: Since there seems to be some talk of bands afoot I might mention that I play bodrán in a folk band called the Jigging Mayflies
Howdy there my Celtic cousin.
Hi Alan, welcome aboard
Bodrán player eh? I used to play drums in a folky rock band called Losco State Opera
I mainly play Rock & Metal but I have some friends who keep trying to get me to play bodrán in a more folky context.
I used to play drumkit in a rock band but in recent years I have been living in flats/houses too small to set the kit up anywhere so I've stuck to the bodrán since then - though I did recently start learning the tin whistle and Uilleann pipes, though I certainly wouldn't try to claim I can play either yet!
The Uilleann pipes look interesting:
Hi there *waves*