New members to the website - say hello here :-)

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German-platypus's picture
Joined: 8 Sep 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Finally I'm a full member, at least I hope so. After one year hanging around in the public forum Laughing out loud

Dr Hill
Dr Hill's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Welcome to the wonderful world of The Golden Sprout. Be good to meet up in the "real" world...Check our upcoming events to see what we are up to and where. Smiling

German-platypus's picture
Joined: 8 Sep 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

That could be a little bit difficult for me, as long as u don't meet in Germany Smiling
Or I have to wait until my next trip to good old England Smiling

Nursewhen's picture
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Ah! There's a clue in the name!

Welcome aboard German- platypus Smiling

reddragon70's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Welcome to the Order old chap. Glad to have a member from across the seas. If you feel like it, I can highly recommend the SFX weekender, at which robert will be presenting the SFX Awards, and where a lot of our little group will be going.

Its a great weekend Eye-wink

German-platypus's picture
Joined: 8 Sep 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

I went to London, Brighton and Hastings this year, but I wasn't a full member at this time. But I managed to go shopping at forbidden Planet, which was quite nice Laughing out loud So next time I'm around I will attend one of the events.

Small Dave
Joined: 6 May 2011
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Good morning everyone, allow me to introduce myself (I was going to introduce somebody else but I thought that might just cause confusion).
My name's not actually Dave and though not particularly big (5'6½", old money), I'm not particularly small either. So why did I choose the name of an obnoxious little git from a Robert Rankin novel? You might well ask (but please don't because my answer would be that it seemed like a good idea at the time).
So how did I end up here? Well, although I lived all my like in the UK until 2008, I had never heard of Robert Rankin. I even worked in Brentford between 1986 and 1989 and did a sponsored fancy dress pub crawl there, but don't remember a Flying Swan, though I know we did do The Tap Room. I even went to Watermans and a match at Griffin Park, but still never heard of RR.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. I now live in South Africa, which is just outside the UK. My fiancée (is the one with two E's the female form, I can never remember?) wanted to go to the local flea market to buy some second hand books from the second hand books stall. I fancied a browse around there too and stumbled across an entire shelf of dog-eared paperbacks by a certain Robert Rankin of that parish (for he is surely not of this). The Brentford angle got me interested in The Antipope so I chose that plus The Garden Of Unearthly Delights and Sprout Mask Replica. I have read the first two and am about ¾ through the third, so we're going back to the flea market today so that I can stock up on more of the same (and some fresh fleas of course)! You could say I've become hooked, lined and sinkered, though I'd rather you didn't.
Anyway, to celebrate my arrival on this site, I decided to write a little nonsense poem (that's one of my hobbies, you see) of the type heavily featured in Sprout Mask Replica. Here it is in all its distinct lack of glory of any kind:

Small Dave’s Rubbish Poem
Where the sea is orange and the sky is green
I met a young man who said he’d seen
Her royal majesty The Queen
Swimming in a vat of Windolene.
Of the foregoing statement there is some doubt
Said The Order of the Golden Sprout.
They’ve said it before and they’ll say it again:
Beware of the poet with a ballpoint pen.
He flew into a tree with a big red bird
And a small blue monkey who spoke these words:
“This poem, dear chap, seems as absurd
As turning gold into lemon curd.”
Of the foregoing statement there is some doubt
Said The Order of the Golden Sprout.
They’ve said it before and they’ll say it again:
Beware of the poet with a ballpoint pen.
Before this nonsense draws to a close
He will scratch his bum and pick his nose
Then wipe his hand on your nice clean clothes
As he tiptoes off on the tips of his toes.
Of the foregoing statement there is some doubt
Said The Order of the Golden Sprout.
They’ve said it before and they’ll say it again:
Beware of the poet with a ballpoint pen.
I read of a hero named Max Carrion
But I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry one
I would hate to see my dear sweet Marion*
Involved in such an unearthly carry on.
Of the foregoing statement there is no doubt
Say the Order of the Golden Sprout.
They’ve said it before and they’ll say it again:
Beware Robert Rankin and his ballpoint pen.
* I don’t have a daughter and her name’s not Marion. I do, however, have a valid, up to date poetic license.

captain.fantastic's picture
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Welcome to the madhouse Small Dave Smiling And the poem is delightfully nonsensical Smiling

Small Dave
Joined: 6 May 2011
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Thankee Cap'n!

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi Small Dave, hope you post here a lot and if you don't, we won't bear a grudge.