New members to the website - say hello here :-)

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Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Yeah I always wondered who put that Swan up on the wall?

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

I did not notice the Swan, just the stone feature the Bricklayers arms.
Just checked it out in Google Earth, someone who owns it must have been a sprout fan and had it painted on there.



Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

What are the chances of a Rankin fan buying that new house?
Also it's a plaque fixed to the wall, I wonder if it was put on my the builders?

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

As it was the site of the original Swan's location and there was a fan or two who lived in Brentford it's a likely possibilty.

Giant Midget (not verified)
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi everyone! I'm from Russia (perhaps the only fan of Mr. Rankin in our country). Smiling
(Just kidding. Two of us.)

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi there, do you have Russian translations or do you read them in the original English?

JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hello there Smiling

captain.fantastic's picture
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi GM, and welcome Smiling

Giant Midget (not verified)
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Ten years ago, my sister told me about a book, which she found in the library of the University. It was a "Dog called Demolition". I do not know English very well (read and understand much better, than I speak and write). Her story is so captivated me, that I set a goal to read this book myself. Finally I did amateur translation.
In Russian was published three novels (probably bootlegged). But native publishers unfortunately do not show an interest to this author. Thanks to Kindle, I now decided to read all the books in the original. Now I read and translate the "Antipope". It's a long, but very exciting process.

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

That's great Midget, glad you found the books & are enjoying them Smiling