Hi all, finally arrived. It takes awhile to hear about new stuff down here in cornwall, the hamster wheels revolve slowly.
Welcome and I hope you have brought your towel with you?
Hi there kjm, unfortunatly the powers that be have abandoned this here site, despite new people still signing up & wanting to use it
Though I don't like facebook (it basically killed this forum), if you want to find out what's going on with all things Brentford try:
Hello, I have decided to step up from a passive member to a full member. I originally read the books in my teenage years through the nineties but have rediscovered the inner workings of the Brentford Triangle through the insatiable reading habits of my teenage nephew, firstly handing over my treasured dog-eared copies and then purchasing more recent publications from any tax paying establishments that would deliver for a reasonable charge. I am now revisiting the antics of John, Jim, Norman, Neville and the patrons of the Flying Swan through the wonders of the audiobook whilst driving the length and breadth of the county as an essential cog in the local construction industry. As the internet was just a thing of the covert operations of the US military, or the befuddled tinkerings of grown men in box bedrooms when I first read these tales I have now decided to dig further with the aid of the World Wide. So here I am. Looking forward to discussing stuff and nonsense in the near future, as I believe this is a tradition, or an old charter, or something……….
Hello, I have decided to step up from a passive member to a full member. I originally read the books in my teenage years through the nineties but have rediscovered the inner workings of the Brentford Triangle through the insatiable reading habits of my teenage nephew, firstly handing over my treasured dog-eared copies and then purchasing more recent publications from any tax paying establishments that would deliver for a reasonable charge. I am now revisiting the antics of John, Jim, Norman, Neville and the patrons of the Flying Swan through the wonders of the audiobook whilst driving the length and breadth of the county as an essential cog in the local construction industry. As the internet was just a thing of the covert operations of the US military, or the befuddled tinkerings of grown men in box bedrooms when I first read these tales I have now decided to dig further with the aid of the World Wide. So here I am. Looking forward to discussing stuff and nonsense in the near future, as I believe this is a tradition, or an old charter, or something……….