What are you reading now?

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captain.fantastic's picture
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Re: What are you reading now?

just finished re-reading my Lucifer series of graphic novels and now re-visiting the sandman books, also enjoying the first Felix Castor novel by Mike Carey of Lucifer - Better the Devil, damn good read Smiling

How I find time for all this reading is a moot point in our house, I am painting / decorating to spruce up the place as we try to sell it, house hunting and job hunting whilst also trying to do a million and one other things, not least of which is running the club and getting the next magazine out to print:jawdrop:

Oh well, as they say, the devil finds work for idle hands (or something like that) so I'm off his radar for now}:)

The Librarian
Joined: 23 Nov 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I manage the Library! Just started. Got Osterley too which is just down the road. I am supreme dictator for life of the anarchist people's republic of Brenterley! So not mad at all then. We're trying to put together a Rankin event for next year in Brentford. Would you come?

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Are you asking the Golden Sprout people in genreal? In which case probably "yes". Will there be any beer involved?

Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

talking of beer i am currently reading 'hops and glory' its described as one mans search for the beer that built the british empire its a really good travel cum beer cum history book

Nursewhen's picture
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Brentfordlibrary wrote:
I manage the Library! Just started. Got Osterley too which is just down the road. I am supreme dictator for life of the anarchist people's republic of Brenterley! So not mad at all then. We're trying to put together a Rankin event for next year in Brentford. Would you come?

Hooray! I paid tribute to Pooley's bench earlier this year on the way to Robert's birthday do. Did you notice a load of pirates outside the library?

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Aldous Huxley - Brave new World (very good & readable for 1932)
& Retromancer by some odd bloke. (great as ever, but not the best)
About 100 pages left on Iain Banks - Transision. (enjoying this)
Not far to go on Kurt Vonnegut - Cats Cradle (not bad so far)

Moby Dick on Audio book (ok but a but hard going)
& about half way through David Mitchell - Black Swan Green on audio book (not bad, but could have been darker)

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Brentfordlibrary wrote:
I manage the Library! Just started. Got Osterley too which is just down the road. I am supreme dictator for life of the anarchist people's republic of Brenterley! So not mad at all then. We're trying to put together a Rankin event for next year in Brentford. Would you come?

We had one there a few years back when we donated the bench(hope you have worn it out with sitting on it) and before that when the Robster did a signing and talk,so another would be just great.

The Librarian
Joined: 23 Nov 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Yes. Ruby IPA and a trip down the Swan for afters.

The Librarian
Joined: 23 Nov 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Huzzah! Pieces of Eight. No but I've only just started here.

The Librarian
Joined: 23 Nov 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Coolio. Watch this space.