I wish, its comparing animal and plant diversity in Lathkill dale. A lot of fun wading round in the river looking for invertebrates, and fish if I'm lucky.
Comparing with what?
Comparing how the diversity of plants around and in the river effect the diversity of the animals. Interesting stuff, well for me. And should impress people I want to work for in the future!
Sounds great! Brings back happy memories of a biology field trip at Flatford Mill. We were catching and marking invertebrates and recatching them so we could calculate the population.
Interesting stuff and I got to stay in Willy Lott's cottage in Constables 'The Hay Wain'
So I would guess you're into conservation?
Yeah, I like the outsideness, and how everything is connected together.
And looking at loads of little things swimming around.
Me too. I studied botany and zoology combined because I was fascinated by the interconnectedness of everything.
Only to find that everybody wants a specialist, even though specialists often can't see the wood for the trees.
So that's how I ended up in computing. Less satisfying, but the pay's better.
Wow! That was fantastic! Thanks for that
Ha ha, sounds like ProTools at work, very nicely done. Gotta be one of the best non Rock songs I've heard. That should have been the Christmas number 1
and the new Last Chance to See next
No probs
Have you watched the others on http://www.symphonyofscience.com?
IMO, this is the least impressive of the four they've released so far. I absolutely love "We are all connected." it features Richard Feynman on bongos!
Quote:and the new Last Chance to See next
Oooo didn't know there was a new one, how does it differ from the Original? (read it years back)
& welcome back Straw Hatted one.
Its Steven Fry and Mark Carwardine, its the book of the series that was on last year. Many beautiful photographs just charting what they got up to, with bits on the endangered animals. I can't wait to read it.