What are you reading now?

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Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?


Ahh right. Pitty Fry only does a Foreword.

Hve you read the old Douglas Adams one? If so please do report back with how they compare Smiling

Joined: 3 Jul 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I've started on "The Garden of Unearthly Delights and liking what I've read so far. Did get me thinking the line about why if the sun is on fire there is no smoke. Think I've got 3 more RR to buy/read then I've got the lot and will have to find someone else to read (or go back to the beginning of our masters works and read them again)

theladyinthestrawhat's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I haven't read the first, but its on my to buy list, which is getting longer and longer Smiling

Gaz's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Timmeh wrote:
Nursewhen wrote:
Wow! That was fantastic! Thanks for that Smiling

No probs Smiling
Have you watched the others on http://www.symphonyofscience.com?
IMO, this is the least impressive of the four they've released so far. I absolutely love "We are all connected." it features Richard Feynman on bongos!

I particularly love the way David Attenborough's comes out when they've sing-song-y-fied it. It pleases me greatly.

I also love the line "these are some of the things that molecules do, given 4 billion years of evolution". I for one have absolutely no idea *how* things evolve, and even less idea *why* they evolve, but this statement comforts me greatly for some reason!

Timmeh's picture
Joined: 14 Oct 2008
Re: What are you reading now?
I think it looks like Attenborough's dancing too, although I think Sagan's voice seems to lend itself to the autotuner best of all. The great thing about the guys they've picked for the voices is that they're all inspirational just when they're talking; the music just amplifies the impact for me. I hate electronic music and I love these.
Gaz's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Timmeh wrote:

Thank you. I knew there must be a proper name for it.

Timmeh wrote:
The great thing about the guys they've picked for the voices is that they're all inspirational just when they're talking; the music just amplifies the impact for me. I hate electronic music and I love these.

I know what you mean - this is what all electronic music should be like. Less of the mindless thump-thump-beep-beep (as my grandmother once put it) and more of the inspirational stuff.

Ironically, I get really bored by those documentaries that are just a load of talking heads spouting soundbites with no substance, but I love these.

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Its Steven Fry and Mark Carwardine, its the book of the series that was on last year. Many beautiful photographs just charting what they got up to, with bits on the endangered animals. I can't wait to read it

Saw the new "Last Chance to See" in Asda for a bargain £5 (RRP £20), couldn't sesist for that price

The Librarian
Joined: 23 Nov 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Check out Sirocco Kakapo on Facebook. He's cool, and he met Fry and Carwardine. I'm reading Charlie Brooker's "The Hell of it All". Sublime.

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I struggling with Terrible Twisted Tales it has a couple of authors I like but not really enjoying it,started to speed read some of them. one of the editors is Martin Greeberg and his book are usually good.

The Librarian
Joined: 23 Nov 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

The exact terms of my contract of employment