What are you reading now?

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Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

got both the new hitchhikers and unseen academicals today thanks to the darling wife so have decided to read, and another thing first. have to say so far so good

Gaz's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Due to me being cheap and only ever selecting the free delivery option on Amazon (even though I had a voucher which would have covered the delivery charge), the new Hitchhikers has spectacularly failed to plop onto my mat today despite being posted on Saturday. Maybe tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

The Shadow in a Dark Space (not verified)
Re: What are you reading now?

You should see Cave reading it on yuoutube!!!

The Shadow in a Dark Space (not verified)
Re: What are you reading now?

Don't forget your towel. The whole process is enhanced if you fold it up under your feet.

Timmeh's picture
Joined: 14 Oct 2008
Re: What are you reading now?
Just finished Simon SIngh's and Edzard Ersnt's "Trick or Treatment" it's essential reading from anyone who is currently or thinking about getting any kind alternative or complementary medical treatment. Especially a chiropractic, homeopathy, acupuncture or herbal medicine.
Gaz's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I have now been reading said Hitchhikers book for a few days, and enjoying it.

reddragon70's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Just finished Hunter's Moon by that David Devereux chap, which I really enjoyed. So going to start Eagle Rising by the same, which my wife tells me is just as good. She keeps blagging my books when I am half way through and wont let me read them til shes finished.... shocking huh? Shocked

After that its going to be part two of The Amtrak Wars by Patrick Tilley.

Joined: 3 Jul 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I was in Books Etc. (soon to close their doors anf thus 30% off all books if anyone want to buy any missing books as there was a decent selection of RR) and noticed a RR book I'd not read yet, Sprout Mask Replica so I'm reading that now. Was standing in the shop, thinking "Have I got this one, must have?", Only when I read the back did I think nope this does not ring a bell. What I've read of it so far it is very good.

Pyleadude (not verified)
Re: What are you reading now?

chub wrote:
got both the new hitchhikers and unseen academicals today thanks to the darling wife so have decided to read, and another thing first. have to say so far so good

These are on my xmas list - wifey always gets upset if I buy anything just before Xmas as she says it limits her gift buying choices.

I have number of books in the "to read" pile on my nightstand- but the one on the top is "Waiting for Godalming"

Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Pyleadude wrote:
chub wrote:
got both the new hitchhikers and unseen academicals today thanks to the darling wife so have decided to read, and another thing first. have to say so far so good

These are on my xmas list - wifey always gets upset if I buy anything just before Xmas as she says it limits her gift buying choices.

I have number of books in the "to read" pile on my nightstand- but the one on the top is "Waiting for Godalming"

Lucky you as far as my loved one is concerned BOOKS WARGAMING or TOOLS do not count as xmas pressies worse luck me lol

as far as And another thing. goes finished it about a fortnight ago reslly enjoyed it and have to say after listening to eoin coulfer on the radio its no wonder great book great author, hope theres more to come