What are you reading now?

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Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009

At the moment I'm reading:

Empire of the Sun by JG Ballard
Triplanetary by EE Doc Smith
Sacred Games by Vikram Chandra
& am listening to Blind Faith by Ben Elton

Timmeh's picture
Joined: 14 Oct 2008
Re: What are you reading now?

Currently in the middle of:

Freedom Evolves : Dan Dennet

Blind Faith : Ben Elton

How To Fossilise Your Hamster (New Scientist)

The How of Happiness : Sonja Lyubomirsky

Collapse : Jared Diamond

With the top two being the most "active" currently.

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Timmeh wrote:
Blind Faith : Ben Elton

Thats a coincidence, how you finding it so far?

Just have fun

Timmeh's picture
Joined: 14 Oct 2008
Re: What are you reading now?

Mixed. I found the first few chapters a bit simplistic. The picture of dystopia was sufficiently whacky to be in one of Robert's books, but without any obvious humour. But it's picking up as I'm getting into the parody of modern big brother(the tv series not the phenomena from 1984)/brand label/coffee shop/celebrity/reality TV obsessed, sun reader mentality world all tied in with the rejection of science and mandatory religion stuff. It's still too early to form a concrete opinion until I see where he's going with it.

tripitaka's picture
Joined: 22 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

1421 The Year China Discovered the World by Gavin Menzies
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman - I'm at book 6.

Joined: 16 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Handling the Undead - John Ajvide Lindqvist

- quite a harrowing account of the recently deceased rising up. Quite good so far, very heavy going on the emotions. Lots of focus on grief and denial of death, and of course criticism of the authorities handling of the situation.

The Last Man - Mary Shelly.

- So far it's been okay, it's taking ages for humanity to be wiped out by the plague. In fact I'm over halfway through and finally there's a sniff of plague - after the Utopian England and political rise and falls of the central characters.

I'm a zombie fan and was delighted by their appearance in Necrophenia. I will be starting Pride and Prejudice and Zombies next. Not read many Zombie books have always been more of a fan of the films.....

Gaz's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Currently reading Wrath of the Lemming Men by Toby Frost - the 3rd book in his Space Captain Smith series. Loving it - highly recommend giving them a go. The first book is a little short on plot but lays out some great characters, and the second book is just excellent. This one is proving to be just as good so far.

captain.fantastic's picture
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Re: What are you reading now?

I picked up Richard Morgan's "The Steel Remains" on the way home from Pirate Weekend - quite enjoying it but not as much as the Takashi Kovaks novels by the same author. Check them out:)

The first (of three) is "Altered Carbon".

JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Playboy Sticking out tongue

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

Are you making the pictures sticky you naughty person.

Analog Kid
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: What are you reading now?

I've still got some catching up to do so I'm reading Sprouts of Wrath by some Rankin bloke Eye-wink