The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett - 2.5 out of 5
Well I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to write about this one. When I'm reading through a novel (or listen in the car as an Audio book) I make some notes about what I though, so I have something to write up at the end. The trouble is, despite trying to think of things to note down, I only have two notes for this one.
1) Sam Vimes is in it
2) The word “sighed” is used to much.
Other than that I'm left with a quick plot summery. So, without wishing to give to much plot away, basically Sam is sent off as an Ankh-Morpork diplomat to some far flung Dwarf community for some reason. It's very cold & snowy. There are a bunch of Vampires & Werewolf's about the place. It all gets sorted out in the end.
This isn't a bad story by any means. It's just a simple, harmless romp.
Re: The Fifth Elephant
I am listening to this on the unabridged audio book now.
Re: The Fifth Elephant
Let me know what you think. Stephen Briggs does a decent job, have you heard Nigel Planer on the earlier stuff?
Re: The Fifth Elephant
Yes as I have most of them on Audio, not that keen on Tony Robinson though that was the 1st one I got can't remember what it was now, would not get another abridged one they take too much out.
I like them both.
Ah! it was the Light Fantastic that I heard Tony Robinson read.
Re: The Fifth Elephant
I've listened to a few Stephen Briggs recordings and they are very good, though I think Nigel Planer was slightly better. I was always impressed how he could create such individual voices for so many characters and they would be the same from audi book to audio book so you could recognise the charactes immediately without beign told who they were.