Just a quick question, from a long time fan and one time member of Sproutlore. Are there any particular books, or prints of books that are more valuable (not just ££, but would be highly prized by fans) than others? Over the years, I have accumulated many books including the collection of the first three Brentford books, a few signed copies and most recently a Proof readers copy of Armageddon the Musical (1991). I realise this sounds somewhat like I'm fishing, and none of these are for sale so I won't be linking to any auctions, but I am curious...
Many thanks
Old editions are quite collectable, signed stuff isn't overly valuable as he's signed so much over the years, the proofs are of interest. Of the later ones he only signed 1 individual copy
Thanks for the reply. They can't have printed too many proof copies and fewer have made it into collector's hands, I guess.
When I figure out how, I might post a picture of the Armageddon proof if anyone's interested...
I'd like a look
I do have a 1st ed HB of that one
Hope this works.....
Pitty they haven't done proofs of the last few novels
I have a few proofs however that one, for now at least, has alluded me
So, worth hanging on to then?
So, worth hanging on to then?
No not at all. Best stick it on Ebay for 1p
Jackal wrote:No not at all. Best stick it on Ebay for 1p
So, worth hanging on to then?
It's a good place to pick up books...