A few things to get out there and make you all aware of so time for a newsletter....
Firstly a couple of things we have been up to.
On Friday 23rd April Robert was the special guest and speaker at the Brentford St. George's day celebrations. A fine day was had by all and it was good to see a few club members pop along and join us in The Flying Swan (AKA - The Magpie and Crown) for some welll earned ale and toot.
We followed this up on the Saturday with a Jack the Ripper tour around Whitechapel, led by Dr. Hill. The weather was exceptional as was the company - the tour wasn't half bad either
Watch out for full reports and photos from these events in the next magazine.
So what is coming up or indeed happening as I write this?
As has become the standard Robert has kindly offered up his own proof of his next novel, The Japenese Devil Fishgirl and other Unnatural Attractions, to raise money for the clubs chosen charity - The Stroke Association. To give all-comers a chance we have opted to hold a raffle instead of an auction, tickets are £10 each through the club with the aim of holding the draw when we have sold 50. This will be the ONLY proof Robert will ever sign and he has promised to throw a few other special goodies in with it for the winner...
Also recently announced is Robert's attendance at The London Film and Comic Con. Always worth a day out in the smoke and you get to say hi to the man himself, if you're new to the club or haven't yet come along to meet Robert then here is the chance - there will no doubt be the obligatory gathering in a local hostelry and some toot and ale
Of course the next big club event is DACON. Plans and membership and both rolling along nicely, we have Dave Carson, renowned and celebrated (Lovecraft) artist along for the weekend, Robert will be there for the duration and the event will be the official club launch for the new book which he will, of course, be signing. We also have the excellent band "The men who will not be blamed for nothing" playing at the Saturday night party.....
These are just the things we are willing to share with you for now - there are more guests to announce and some surprises being kept back for the actual event Get your space booked now - you can still buy supporting member and then catch up on the balance later and that way avoid the price increase in August.
Well that's my lot for now, thanks for reading....
Re: What's happening at Goldensprout
So what's the new style Flying Swan like?
Re: What's happening at Goldensprout
I was just about to ask the same question
So - what she said?
Re: What's happening at Goldensprout
The Swan is much as it was, with the notable absence of the bar billiard table
Still had Frulli and a couple of interesting guest ales on
Re: What's happening at Goldensprout
Neither a triumph or a disaster then.
& the decication plaque / poster?