Space is often a difficult place to live in, and here in the 25th century the British Space Empire dont do difficult.
The Captain has a new chance to take the John Pym Spaceship on a mission, They don't really want him back, he is trouble no matter how much distance is between them!
With the Captain on board is his faithful friend Suruk the Slayer, the reason Smith keeps coming back.
and the new robot pilot who is later discovered to be a runaway sexbot.
The passenger is a fabulous over the top New Age woman, Rhianna, with powers as dangerous as the captain.
As he doesnt relate well to women he makes the book charming, with plenty of fighting throughout, lots of tea breaks and some great comedy. There is so much pulled from other sources it will make you go back and look at other scifi you havent read or watched in years whilst having a nice cup of tea.