Doctor Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory (Catalogue Edition)

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I want one! I want one! I want one! Yes its that time of year when the christmas catalogues are stacking up and all the corners have been turned down, the circles of flourecent marker dominate whole sections and a big sigh of oh no! is aparent.
Now all that can be taken away and repaced with just one catalogue, this one.
There is so much thought in some of these that many of us have had to have some expained, but hey we did get the rest of the jokes.
From Guns to Walking machines, with real horse leather upholstry, there is so much to see!
Lots of big pictures, but all in Sepia, not colour.
A great book for the bathroom, or as a table book it will entertain guests and keep conversation flowing.


Re: Doctor Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory ...

Ah yes, I bought that for Doctor When last year. He was very pleased with it. Smiling