Oh come on! The gay nineties are the eighteen nineties!
Oh come on! The gay nineties are the eighteen nineties!
PS - I should have fact checked - they are indeed the 1890's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_Nineties
How irritating! hehe
Of course, social history was never a strong suit for me
They didn't cover the gay scene of late 1800's Chicago in history at school - they probably need to mix things up a little.
The temptation to slip in present day references into 1980's books is tempting. Too tempting to resist in fact. So you will find a few.
That sounds like a good easter egg hunt challange
I remember a TV series called Chelmsford 123 (set in Chelmsford in the year 123 ) in which a character called Blag once or twice during the series said something completely out of time. My favourite being "Ere - did anyone see Panorama last night?" - then complaining that his head felt funny. The only other time it happened I think he described building a steam engine
Never heard of that but it sounds interesting.
Lots of clips here:
Looks quite good:
DVD £9.99:
They're all available to stream on 4OD