Happy times reading them when they come, much as I prefer the traditional books, I also have a Kindle saves having to lug the books around with you as mine are all hardbacks except for the 1st four novels which weren't.
I too prefer books, but they're just not what they were when I was a lass.
I borrowed a brand new copy of one of Robert's books from the library and the instant I opened it, all the pages exploded out of it. If paperbacks continue to be made to such poor quality, I will one day have to give in and go Kindle.
Sounds like a conspiracy to me, that said I've never seen the pages "explode out" some have fallen out, but that's usually been really old books where the glue in the binding has dried out to dust...
I have a Sony reader the Mrs got me two years ago. When I got it I could not read a book on it at all, but when I settled into not expecting the “book” experience I got used to it. Now I still buy the book and read the E version.
And I now prefer the E version (but I still cannot get away from buying the book).
With the E version I can flick back to an early chapter and re-read if needed and let say a character is mentioned in chapter 32 and I know it’s been mentioned before, I can do a quick search and re-read the first mention of the character..........if that make any sense
Pass, please enlighten me...
I think you might a need a Bible for that.
You know, I was thinking "Bible" when I read your question, but a quick search only found Philemon by Paul...?
The reply was only in a jockey reference to you for your calling an Ebook reader a philistine, as much as I love my books I'm so glad I have a Kindle now, the really thick books 800/900 make my hands ache now, a bit of athritis in the knuckles, all these years on the Bike with wet or cold gloves has taken it toll.