New members to the website - say hello here :-)

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Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi there, unhinged you say? Well as you can see Nurse thinks she's two people Smiling

noodles's picture
Joined: 24 Feb 2010
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Unhinged - always good and possibly a sign of latent genius. Multiple personalities - makes for an interesting conversation and at least Nurse will never be lonely.

That there's some high quality fat.

captain.fantastic's picture
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi Noodles, welcome to the party.

Joined: 19 Feb 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi Noodles. Smiling

samuel_fitzgibbons's picture
Joined: 15 Feb 2010
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

hi noodles

well i am now a fully fledged member Smiling

BrentfordTW8's picture
Joined: 27 Feb 2010
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Hi, I'm the editor of Brentford's news site and also a Robert Rankin fan. I think it's rather ridiculous not having any communication between the two sites so I will try and address that and pass on any relevant news.

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Great, what can you tell us about the Magpie & Crown these days?

samuel_fitzgibbons wrote:
well i am now a fully fledged member Smiling

One - of - us

Nursewhen's picture
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Welcome aboard samuel_fitzgibbons.
Sorry about all the hammering and sawing noises. Our webmaster's building a new toilet block for Deep because he keeps making puddles in the public ones.

Ah news from BrentfordTW8 - Huzzah Smiling
What happened to the pyramid, that's what I want to know Eye-wink

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

Sweet, my own toilet. I knew I was special

samuel_fitzgibbons's picture
Joined: 15 Feb 2010
Re: New members to the website - say hello here :-)

thanks guys Smiling i didn't know about this toilet issue but i shall excuse all the noise this time, all though it must have been quite a big toilet i could swear i heard massive engines and teams of people in hard hats and guys in flourescent jackets kept asking me to put the kettle on Sticking out tongue. I live in plymouth i'm not sure where you live but i can imagine its pretty far away so to just think of the scale of this toilet is mind blowing Shocked Shocked Shocked

hey black your not a giant are you??