Why not add lemonade & call it a shandy?
Suggesting SHANDY!!!
Deep, go to the bathroom right NOW and wash out your mouth with soap.
Or, alternately, a nice big shot of something really strong at your local purveyor of fine Falling Down Waters.
Aaaaaaaargh. For gods' sake, someone give him a pint of wallop!
Ever made a Snakebite with Special Brew and extra strong white cider. It goes like wallpaper paste. Yum!
I'll take the nice big shot of something really strong option please
There have been infamous "drinks"panels at previous cons with such stuff as a vile garlic drink, the taste of that one lingered for far too long...also 100% alcohol that had to be sprayed into your mouth with a syringe which came with the warning "don't let it touch your lips .
If the person responsible signs up (and I hope he does) then maybe.....
Ever made a Snakebite with Special Brew and extra strong white cider. It goes like wallpaper paste. Yum!
Now wondering what your home smells like. Does it have that lovely old pub smell that you could only get in a pub where the axminster carpet had been denched with beer spillage over 50 years. Can't get it these days with wooden floors being in vogue.
Sadly I am a respectable married lady and the wife won't let me. I have to get muntered in the garage. : (
You mean you didn't use that special wallpaper paste to put up your wallpaper then?
Now there's a thought. Nurse! The screens! Too late.
> There have been infamous "drinks"panels at previous cons with such stuff as a vile garlic drink, the taste of that one lingered for far too long...also 100% alcohol that had to be sprayed into your mouth with a syringe which came with the warning "don't let it touch your lips
Ah yes, the dreaded alcohol identifcation workshop, let's not forget the mix of vodka, tequila and dante's inferno chilli sauce...