Come on Deep, I've shown you mine, so show us yours.
Ooh, shall I rephrase that?
ello sprouts.. ,
I have just received my copy of Retromancer (from Amazon).. with its nice Robert Rankin dust and hardback covers. Unfortunately the guts of the book are full of some Star Wars muck by Drew Karpyshyn.
Just wondering am I alone.. or have others received the same
I've not heard of anything like that. I'm sure there would have been much wailing and gnashing of teeth if there had. Sounds like amazon or the publisher made a boo boo.
Well, as I say , it has a Rankin , hard back cover and dustcover, so cant really point the finger at Amazon.
So would assume it is the publishers/printers error. Would also suspect there is at least a "batch" of them.
If I though it was very rare.. I might hang on to it, although unsure who might find it valuable.
Rankin fans, for it being a "Rankin book that is'nt a Rankin book" , or Star Wars fans for , well the same reason really.
Suppose I will wait till after xmas to decide
Yes, you could have the literary equivalent of the upside down plane stamp. I'd hang onto it just for the novelty value.
I think Robert might be a bit concerned though.
The upside down plan stamp had crossed my mind.. but suspect this a bit less desireable... as yet anyway.
Oh the other hand, I suspect Robert will get the royalties from it, as it was purchased under his name, and I know he will get the royalties from the .. er em "replacement" I bought for it today( I checked it inside and out at least 3 times before going to the till) . So 2 sales for Bob.
I bet Drew Karpyshyn won't be impressed though
By the way, do you intend to stick around and join our club (thereby getting acess to the members' forums and magazines and other goodies) or are you migratory?
Not that I'm giving you the hard sell (CLICK HERE, CLICK HERE!! ) just want to make sure you're aware
pah.. not too worried about Drew.
Well , I'll see if I can slip it in with some of the other xmas xcess on the credit card.
Used to contribute to the old one in a teeny way.. have met , Robert , James Bacon, James Shields and Padraig on a few occasions, but not for a good few years.
I have a softback copy of A Dog called Demolition, signed by Robert twice, which I might add, that this book does not appear in the "Also by " lists since his new publisher took over.
(mmm probably should have mentioned this to someone before now)
Actually (looks at new book), I dont see my other favouries "the Garden of Unearthly Delights " (its over yonder hill) or Snuff Fiction. Seems they drop the stand alone books.
Probably an "executive decision" somewhere.
Ah, I see I was preaching to the converted. How embarrassing
Me converted, I have no idea what you are talking about. But for some strange reason , I do have a strange and sudden urge to listen to "Lobster Cracking (Air on a Loom)" (I was stunned when he ended up dead at the end of that book, perhaps I should have paid more attention at the start)