Are any of Robert's books available in foreign language editions?
18 February, 2009 - 19:34 — Timmeh
We are aware of French and German editions; also, at least one of
Robert's novels has also been translated into Polish. although we don't
currently have details of this.
French Editions
Bragelonne are Robert's French publishers and at this stage have published the following
- Le Livre des vérités ultimes (The Book of Ultimate Thruths) (pb)
- Les Aventuriers du Parking Perdu (The Raiders of the Lost Carpark) (pb)
- (Il était une fois...) L'Homme le Plus Mieux de Tous les Temps (The Most amazing man who ever lived) (pb)
- Armageddon, la Comédie Musicale (Armageddon the Musical) (pb)
They are all available through (click the links above to purchase)
German Editions
Robert Rankin's German publisher is Lübbe. They have published quite a few of his books, listed below, (click the links after each book to purchase)
Die Brentford-Trilogie (The Brentford Trilogy)
- Der Antipapst (The Antipope) (pb)
- Die Akte Brentford (The Brentford Triangle) (pb)
- Jenseits von Ealing (East of Ealing) (pb)
- Kohl des Zorns (Sprouts of Wrath) (pb)
- Das Kettenlädenmassaker (Brentford Chainstore Massacre) (pb)
Der Elvis-Zyklus (The Elvis Cycle AKA Armageddon Trilogy)
- Armageddon – Das Musical (Armageddon - The Musical) (pb)
- Armageddon – Das Menü (Armageddon - The Menu???) (pb)
- Armageddon – Das Remake (Armageddon - The Remake) (pb)
Der Hugo Rune-Zyklus (The Hugo Rune Cycle)
- Das Buch der allerletzten Wahrheiten (The Book of Ultimate Truths) (pb)
- Jäger des verlorenen Parkplatzes (Raiders of the Lost Carpark) (pb)
- Der wundersamste Mann, der jemals lebte (The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived) (pb)
Other Novels
- Die Größte Show Jenseits der Welt - The Greatest Show Off Earth (pb)
- Der Garten Unirdischer Gelüste - The Garden of Unearthly Delights (pb)
- Apocalypso - Apocalypso (pb)
- Der Tanz der Voodoo-tasche - The Dance of the Voodoo Handbag (pb)
- Warten auf Oho! - Waiting for Godalming (pb) (cd)
- Web Site Story - Web Site Story (pb)
- Starker Tobak - Snuff Fiction (pb)
- Die Apokalyptischen Schokohasen - The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse (pb)
Robert's German publisher also published a short story of his in a halloween special, which seems to be currently unavailable.