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39 replies [Last post]
JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009

07/07/2011 see’s the first few pages from ROBERT RANKIN’S EMPIRES Laughing out loud see them here:


JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

Shhhh! I don’t think I am allowed to do this but I have put Empires into an online comic format that I will update each week if I can Smiling


Grand Master
Joined: 24 Jan 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

Oh well done for putting that up here, I didn't know how to do it. Only 99 other pages to go up and you'll see the whole thing. Mind you I still have 52 to draw.

reddragon70's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

Same date as me seeing The Sisters Of Mecry for the ninth time. Christ that makes me feel so bloody old. Mind you I made some new friends which is always rather nice. And it was a damned fine gig, 30th anniversary tour dont you know.....

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

Lovely, is this from the graphic novel thing? What are we aloud to know so far?

Grand Master
Joined: 24 Jan 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

Two more pages went up today, please have a look and tell me what you think. And if you like them please say so on the Beyond Reality website page.

Uncle Nick
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

It's pretty damned good stuff so far!
Did you have any input on the colouring, the who and how, or was it a sub-contracted-out-by-the-publisher thing? (Google thinks that Coleen Littleford-Allen is American) The subdued colour scheme seems to really fit the piece.

Grand Master
Joined: 24 Jan 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

I didn't really have much of a say, although I was offered one. I am no good with colour and it is a huge project, 100 pages in all. So I could not possibly supervise the colouring of each page, so I let her get on with it. I think the guy who is financing the project has now had someone else take over. I have no idea when it will ever be printed in full colour, but my black and white version will come out as a  hard back limited edition run of 1000 next year, each one signed and numbered. That in itself is a huge project.
I am now up to page 51 and have to finish by the end of August. It is possible.

JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

I’m watching this comic with interest, but Robert just what is it you have against chickens?

Page 7

Page 17

Grand Master
Joined: 24 Jan 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

They are a continuing theme in the comic and at this point I am three pages from completion, it has been a journey.

JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: 07/07/2011

Grand Master wrote:
I am three pages from completion, it has been a journey.

Have you finished this weekend?