Yep, I can understand the Jamaican reaction there! But consider this, I was a spotty teenager with ginger hair, hardly likely to be a newspaper employee handing out fivers. Mind you, had I known what his job involved (i.e. hanging around a beach with a couple of page three 'stunnas' - a word I was just reacquainted with in Armageddon, The Musical) I would probably have applied for it.
P.S. Sounds like it would have been an ideal job for a certain John Vincent Omally of this parish.
I do believe that THIS IS THE ACTUAL DAY!
Happy birthday Robert and many happy returns
Thank you so much, I will "return" as many times as I am now able.
Happy Burthday Auld Son, Lang may yur lum reek.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday and Greetings from Germany
Hope you had a good day
Dam am late too, but been ill, hope you had a good one