I'll happily take a Handbag if one's on offer
I don't have that one yet.
Ditto what the Capt said on slowly getting them all
Damn you for not having it already Andi Just out of interest, We are upto 32 books so far by our esteemed Grand Master of which I have a measly 16 in first edition hardback - how about the rest of you? Who has the biggest collection? And Robert, you're not allowed to play
And two of them are very, VERY rare - they're not signed I'll have to rectify that
how about the rest of you? Who has the biggest collection?
how about the rest of you? Who has the biggest collection?
Ah smug mode....... I have recently collected every 1st edition hard back as well as the pan originals
WOW With that level of dedication I think I'll abdicate and pass on the crown
WOW With that level of dedication I think I'll abdicate and pass on the crown
The only first editions I am missing are The Brentford Triangle, East of Ealing and The Sprouts Of Wrath. Although someone has borrowed my firsts of Website Story and Fandom of the Operator. I really should get them back.
I only have 15 HBs (16 with JD's generous donation)
& the Pan - East of Ealing
The Handbag has been added
What ones are you looking for Ian I have a few spare 1st first's and I have them all as well including the pans and I think a spare one of them as well.