Twin Peaks season 2 (great so far)League of Gentlemen Series 3 (one of the best)The New Statesman series 2 (not seen this for years)
DVD (Film)
Also Beautiful Pretty Things (really good british film)
On TV I've been watching Persons of Intrest, Warehouse 13, Just getting into Lost Girl, Elementary and the Vampire Diaries, Alpha's and that new one about to start Continunuum looks good going by the trailers.
Edited to add 666 it not bad so far.
Today I went to see Hansel and Gretel it was OK, not too much of a story, but I did not expect one as it was mostly visual effects, if you liked Van Helsing (2004) with Kate Bekinsale you would probably like this.
Persons of Interest, The Walking Dead (really love that one), started watching Arrow but it’s a bit poo and Archer.
Don’t watch much TV as I feel most of the programmes are aimed at women (controversial )
I forgot about The Walking Dead, and I see there is a new Zombie one by the Beeb coming out soon.
Watching "The Walking Dead", "Ripper Street" (just finished), "Charlie Brookers Weekly Wipe" the odd documentary and not much else as most programmes are really crap.
I went to see Die Hard 5 the other week.
It's mindless action fluff, pretty much what you'd expect for a 12A... (yes, a Die Hard film that's 12A. Oh dear)
Edit: I think the best thing I've seen in teh last year or so (in that it left an impression lasting enough for me to still remember it now!) was Bobby Yeah. Google it up, there's a trailer that doesn't quite do it justice on the Tube and a few stills
In the Flesh could be worth a watch:
I will ckeck that out tomorrow on the Beeb, it looks Ok.
Just started watching Banshee! Very riskay in places
Went to the printworks in manchester to watch the Hansel and gretel film, we watched it then went home and didnt talk about the film on the way home. it was ok at best and now i hear there thinking of making a sequel ! better luck with that.
has anyone else seen the film ? what did you think of it. the stupid diabetic injection is plain idiotic.
yes i know my spelling is awful as im on new pain medication and im flying in the clouds today and not in a good way.
Aml Damian x
Saw the trailer, that was enough