Ive been spending time reading lots on this site and the brentforg guide and a-z of charecters are fantastic.
That would of taken TIME to compile. i would love a copy of them.
ATB Damian216 x
There are some hard copies about but mostly there's just the on line ones now. They do look great...
Have you any idea as to where i could lay my hands on a hard copy ?
Nope, sorry. All the hard copies that were around were from 10-15 years back.
I think most of the online ones were copied from my hard copies...
Can the online version be printed off?
Well these two publications were made by David V. Baker and Lee Justice (who I had the pleasure of meeting on Robert Rankin’s 30th Antipope party). Big thanks to Deep Black for these and you will see one is dedicated to him under the guise of Andi! The original paperback formats looks like these, and sometimes they show up on eBay:
But there is also a very limited edition hard back that look like these:
I have the two paper ones, but I have never seen a hardback issue any idea how many were published.
I believe Mr JD got them printed up himself from the scans as used for the online version.
I have the A-Z hard bound, but would love to get hold of the Guide with all those colour pics...
Yes it does look nice, maybe Ian would consider getting a few printed to order if Robert was OK with it, make some money for the club.
I'd have a hard back of that.
It is a long running intention to have these produced in printed form for sale through the club and in full colour glossy - not sure about hardback.
This happening is incumbent on club funds as the original print cost are quite high but with luck it could be this year.....