Another year is departing, it has been "interesting" to say the least. Might I take the opportunity to wish you all my fondest for the season, thank you for your continued support and friendship and hope that the coming year brings happiness to one and all.
Much love
Hope you enjoyed your hols Robert, and merry Christmas all
Happy Christmas Robert, Rachel and toute le monde
Indeed a very Merry Christmas to one & all
Hope you all have a happy Secular Non-Religious Mid-Winter Festival.
Give me a break, I am an atheist.....
See you in hell then, I mean Merry midwinterfestival Iain
A very happy Christmas (or indeed whatever you are celebrating) to one and all, as is usual plans are afoot for events for next year.....including the revival of the Fannish (or Fanny) Ashes! :D
Don't panic....(see the hitchikers guide to the galaxy reference I slipped in there) this will be a one day event in August (date and venue to be confirmed) where we cross swords with ZZ9, the Douglas Adams fan club to see who are the finest, brightest most athletic fans in the land
Watch this space
where we cross swords with ZZ9, the Douglas Adams fan club
Interesting, the edit button seems to be disabled for me at the moment! This means I can't cover up the bit in the post above where I wandered out of the office half way through, and forgot the
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!