Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert Rankin *pretty sure* or Tom Holt)

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Joined: 8 Dec 2011

Hi, sorry if this is against the rules but I'm really stuck on this one.  It's not alot to go on, I know, but please help if you can.
 I forget the main story of the book, but the side story is quite distinctive and it seems to be in tune to Rankin humour, so pretty sure it's one of his books.  If it's not Robert Rankin, it's Tom Holt.  I'm positive it's one of those two as I only read Robert Rankin, Tom Holt and Terry Pratchett and I'm 99.999% that it's not Pratchett
 The side story is that there are a coachload of old ladies and wherever they go, time stops or slows to a near standstill, and they go to a roadside cafe type place.  I think the reason for the time slowing down was because it takes old people forever to do anything, (but could be wrong about that. That could just be my experiences whilst grocery shopping).
 If anyone can name this book, PLEASE do!!

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

Hi there Phantom.
I don't remeber that story but it's been a while (quite a while) since I've read a lot of Roberts books, sounds like a good idea though.
Oh & you're definatly within the rules Eye-wink

Joined: 8 Dec 2011
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

Cool, thankies :)  I asked on another forum a while back but nobody could help me. Then today I had a brain-fart and thought "I'll look for RR specific forums" and that sent me to the old Sprout forums, which led here lol.  Hopefully someone will remember what book it is. It's been a fair few years since I read most of them, too, and my memory isn't what it used to be......which was it's worse

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

It's a god's life... the Sunnyvoyde Residential Home for retired deities. Everlasting life can be a real drag when all you've got to look forward to is cauliflower cheese on Wednesdays.
Cover ring a doorbell.
Was it you on the Chronicles site asking I did answer and the peson said they would check ,did not see anything more.

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

I have some Holt books on the shelf, but have only read "Expecting someone taller". It was decent enough.
What would you recommend as being best of the rest...?

Uncle Nick
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

I've just had a quick flick through Odds And Gods, and I don't think that it's the book you're after. (I can't find that bit in there)
However, I recognise the plot, and I'm sure I've got the book. I also remember that the old ladies are there as part of somebody's plot to steal time from historic villages - possibly to sell it? - and this plot is temporarily foiled by the presence of some of the other characters in the book (possibly supernatural characters, devils?). If the other characters are devils, I'd be tempted to say it's an Andrew Harman book - if not then it might be Holt and something like Overtime?
Dammit, I'm going to have to read through about 25 books now to find it! /shakes fist

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

A couple of my favorites are the next two

Who's Afraid of Beowulf

Flying Dutch

Paint Your Dragon

Wish You Were Here


Snow White and the Seven Samuri

And these three I also liked, I think you can read the 1st chapters on Amazon .

Joined: 8 Dec 2011
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

It probably was, Dr Bob.  Thought I'd replied saying I didn't think it was that....if I didn't, I apologise for being ignorant.  I can't check all my books as I don't have alot of them to hand.  It's DEFINITELY Rankin or Holt, although I'm leaning towards Rankin, but I could be very wrong about that (lots of meds Eye-wink )
Uncle Nick, that sounds VERY familiar, I think that's the one.  TGFT, I thought I'd imagined it lol

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

NO problem, I dont manage to get on there very often now anyway.
I have all the Harman ones as well but it has been a long time since I have read them and they don't seem to fit the plot as there is a van but no old people as I remember.

Uncle Nick
Joined: 11 Mar 2009
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...

And I'm out all weekend so I can't get stuck in to the stack of books I've got. Give me a week, and I'll get you the answer!
Pretty sure it's not one of Roberts' though...

captain.fantastic's picture
Joined: 16 Oct 2008
Re: Desperately trying to remember this book's name (Robert ...
IMOH def not one of Robert's, almost sure it's not one of Holt's either as I have read them all... The harmen link looks promising but tenuous Sad I will now rely on those with bigger collections and more time to answer this as I am quite intrigued myself Eye-wink