Indeed many many thanks to everyone who took the trouble to come along and party in Brentford, I think I can say that we all had a bloody good time. A special mention must be made to Dr Hill for his award-winning costume.
(I think that's how you spell it.
But, he was brilliant and we had a marvelous weekend. And, also a special thank you to Anders and Trond for coming so far, and Iain and indeed Tasso (I hope that's right) all the way from Germany.
I had a great time meeting up with old mates I had not seen in a long time, just got into the station from the airport and on the train for the short journey back,thanks Robert and all for the great event.
We should be thanking you for all the fun
I had a great time
Thanks to everyone again
It was a fine weekend, very enjoyable.
Following on from our pub discussions about youtube, I give unto thee:
Charlie the Unicorn:
Charlie the Unicorn 2:
Charlie the Unicorn 3:
Rachel Bloom's song about Ray Bradbury:
Barbershopera (in this case their one about the Royal Wedding):
Opening ceremony of They Came and Shaved Us:
Zombiecon Perfect Day of the Dead:
I'm sure there were other videos we discussed too.
Like the Bradbury one, pitty the song is shite though
Like the Bradbury one, pitty the song is shite though