A pint of Large

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cheshire-cheese's picture
Joined: 6 Dec 2010

Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it by searching.  I brew my own beer and the (now legendary?) Pint of Large caught my imagination (doubtful that I'm alone in that) and I fancied brewing up a batch.  I was curious as to the atributes of the beer.  Perhaps I haven't read enough of the Brenford series but it seems that descriptions are thin on the ground.  If so, is there a common consensus as to how strong, how pale or dark, how bitter or aromatic it should be?

JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: A pint of Large

Ah, I think you will have to wait for the resident LARGE expert to come on-line his name is Deep Black, I think he could tell you all you need to know in this matter Smiling

I have been told tho it’s a nutty liquorish flavour with a hint of vajazzel  Eye-wink

And may I just say if anyone is thinking of upgrading to internet explorer 9 LEAVE IT WELL ALONE for now, I am having nothing but problems and VISTA will not let me re-install IE8!

cheshire-cheese's picture
Joined: 6 Dec 2010
Re: A pint of Large

Thanks JD&C  :)
ecce cerevisia

cheshire-cheese's picture
Joined: 6 Dec 2010
Re: A pint of Large

JD and Coke wrote:

...with a hint of vajazzel  Eye-wink

I say!  

Nursewhen's picture
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Re: A pint of Large

I believe that Large is all things to all men (and women).
It's the best pint anybopdy has ever tasted regarless of their taste.
So for me it needs to be dark with a hint of treacle. However, the same pint will need to be light and hoppy for somebody else, so you're goin g to have your work cut out to create the chameleon beer of the century. Smiling

reddragon70's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: A pint of Large

For me, the beer that comes closest to the fabled pint of Large is Dark Island by the Orkney Brewery. Dark, rich, full of flavour and goes down a treat.
But as has been said it is very much up to your own interpretation. The simple fact is there are some trully awesome beers out there, and not from the big brewers either. Each and every one of them is a pint of Large to someone. I suggest going out and trying them, find your own holy grail.

Nursewhen's picture
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Re: A pint of Large

Mine is Sarah Hughe's Dark Ruby Mild
Nom Nom Nom!

Grand Master
Joined: 24 Jan 2009
Re: A pint of Large

Let's put Mr Case on the spot and demand that he organise Large to be on tap at The Magpie and Crown (otherwise known as The Flying Swan on 22nd July, they have already had some there although I missed it. How about it Ian? Speak to the new land lady.

Joined: 8 Apr 2009
Re: A pint of Large

The Magpie & Crown regularly has a beer called Brentford Triangle Large on, though I'm led to believe that it's actually "Ruddles" (i.e. Greene King). So, not only is that Large not the finest ale on the planet it's probably going to be the worst on the bar. Something wrong there.
Now if it had been Sarah Hughes under a different name...
(I think the terms of the tenancy say they have to have one or two GK beers on, by the way)

Grand Master
Joined: 24 Jan 2009
Re: A pint of Large

I do have to say that I have tried a lot of guest ales at the Magpie and Crown and they all seemed pretty good. They have a damn good cellar and a damn good cellar-man. Mind you, I never tried the Green King, in fact I'm not sure I ever have. Is it really that shit?

Dr.Bob's picture
Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Re: A pint of Large

It was Ok when it was a local beer.