Book Reviews

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8 replies [Last post]
lostcarpark's picture
Joined: 12 Jan 2009

I've finally rolled up my sleeves and figured out what was wrong with the book reviews. It should be mostly back working now.

Except that I only the main admin user can add the Amazon reference. I've updated this for most of the reviews, and I'll add in the last few tomorrow. I'll hopefully figure this out so reviewers can put this in themselves.

Please keep adding reviews, and of course clicking on the Amazon links and buying the books people have reviewed as the club gets some money!


Nursewhen's picture
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Re: Book Reviews

Hooray! Whoot Whoot! Smiling

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: Book Reviews

Looking much better again.

In the list it says "no longer available on amazon" but there is still a link to buy from amazon.
The stars are still missing.
Can it default to the newest reviews at the top rather than the oldest?

Oh & I'm still seeing double

Joined: 14 Oct 2008
Re: Book Reviews

Installed latest update to Amazon anf the "no longer available" messages seem to have gone away!


lostcarpark's picture
Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Re: Book Reviews

Hi folks,

I think I've fixed most of the problems with book reviews now.

There was a problem that reviewers weren't able to enter the Amazon ASIN code themselves, but that should be fixed now. You can also now filter the reviews by title and author. The only problem is that not all the books have the author filled in yet (unfortunately, I haven't managed to get Author to automatically populate from the Amazon data). I'll work on filling this in for the rest, but would be very grateful if the reviewers would edit some of their own reviews to add this to help me out.

When you click on the Amazon link (the right column) it now takes you to a page with extra details about it. This ties in with the Amazon Store link now on the main menu, and the Amazon Search on the front page.

I hope our reviewers will come back and write us some more reviews!


Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: Book Reviews

I've added in the author to any of mine that were missing (except Witches of Chiswick, which I can edit, because whilst I wrote it I didn't add to this site).

Is it possible to make that author / title filter search thingy less specific? (ie if searching for an author I have to type the full name as it appears in the review or it come up with a big red error box & says it can't find anything. It would be good if typing "Rank" would find any book written by any author with the letters "Rank" in the name.

It's all looking really good on the reviews bit, I like the additional amazon info stuff too.

lostcarpark's picture
Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Re: Book Reviews

I think you should be able to edit Witches of Chiswick, as I've set you as the creator of it. However, I've updated that one (and all the Rankin books) now.

The title search will search any words you type. You don't even have to get them in the ringt order - typing "sun empire" finds "Empire of the Sun".

The author tries to be a bit cleverer - perhaps too clever. If you type a few letters then wait a second, you should get a list of matching authors to choose from. For example if you start typing "ste", you should see "Neal Stevenson" and "Stephen Fry" pop up. You can click one to make it fill the author box.

Hope this helps,


Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: Book Reviews

The author tries to be a bit cleverer - perhaps too clever

Ohh yeah, that's quite good. But it was the "pause" that caught me out.

you should be able to edit Witches of Chiswick, as I've set you as the creator of it

Nope, i have no edit button for that one

Deep Black
Deep Black's picture
Joined: 17 Jan 2009
Re: Book Reviews

Hi James, found another little glitch for you (I know how you love them)

When I'm in the "Members Book Review" bit, the Sort by - Title, Reviewer or Reviewed doesn't seem to work. When I click on them, they all come up with the same order of books.