Non-Members questions is a tad unlikely considering that we've all signed up as member to write in this particular thread.
Okay. So I've been away, for a while. I returned a few days ago, and I see the Forum, the beloved Forum, is going. I decided then and there not to bother posting anything, i ncase I had a good idea or notion so to speak, and it were lost forever.
So why? Why has it moved onto here, this cold, white, featureless plain of a webpage where colour appears to have left us with Dulux summertime splashes in a poorly disguised 'mix-you-own' paint tin kinda feel. If there were a virtual carpet on here I suspect that it would be 'Harvest Wheat' and many a young puppy dog with shaggy hair just waiting in the sidelines for a pee.
Come on, who has created this monstrosity? I know I know, if I don't like it, bugger off. I would, but my longevity to the forum and loyalty to Rankin outweighs my desire to shift, however my desire to rant at the changes and annoy somebody in doing so would calm me slightly.
Okay, will someone please make an effort and put some old style forum feel back into this place?
Unless of course you all took a vote and decided this was the way you'd like it. Feel free to visit Ikea at the weekend and see how they've emulated the style.
Perhaps it's my age.
Ah well. On with the old toot, if that still is the accepted currency of thread-making?
I refer the honourable gentleman to the faq
People fear change; when we got the "old" forum from the even older forum everybody whined, so some dissent about the new one was inevitable I guess.
And "non-members" in this instance means those who are not paid up members of the club. Oh and as to the creator of the site, it was the same as the creator of the old site, and a very fine job he's done of it too IMO. Maybe the colours aren't to your taste? Oh well, you can't please everyone.
Incidentally, there was no vote. Sproutlore was never a democracy and neither is the Order of the Golden Sprout. That said, Ian and James S are both trying to be as responsive to requests and contructive criticism as possible; we have yet to see how they'll respond to sarcasm and the random bombing of threads with unrelated complaints ;D.
I think the main thing to focus on is that this site *works*. The colour scheme is irrelevant for now - that can always be changed later.
Build your house first, make sure the plumbing & electrics work, and THEN decide what colour you want the living room.
Look at this place as a brand new home, all clean and shiney, but all the walls are painted Magnolia and all the carpets are Harvest Wheat. Give it time.
I like to think of the new club as a benign dictatorship
I have no problem with sarcasm, especially when it is well constructed and has a point - as Gaz says, let's get the site to a state were it is all things to all men (and women) and then maybe think about colour schemes etc. That said, regardless what we do there will always be some that don't like it
To ad-lib PT Barnum - you can please some of the people some of the time......
I'm sure you can complete the rest
I did find it interesting to notice James' final post about how busy each incarnation of the forum had been. I think this has the potentially to have that nice old-style phorum feel to the place, but the more advanced style of tech that we beneffited on from moving on (because let's face it, phpbb was much better software)
I wouldn't worry about the post count. With Deep Black and I posting here, you'll soon be needing a bigger boat.
All shall reap as the sow...except the amateur gardener