Introducing the Guide to Brentford AND Robert Rankin’s A-Z of Characters

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Joined: 2 May 2011
Re: Introducing the Guide to Brentford AND Robert Rankin’s ...

Would it be possible to get these books converted to Mobi or ePub format for ebook readers?

JD and Coke
JD and Coke's picture
Joined: 10 Apr 2009
Re: Introducing the Guide to Brentford AND Robert Rankin’s ...

Erm I don’t really know.

I think it would need an expert to do so, as I’ve thrown these two through calibre and they come out looking like sh*t to be frank.

I’ve not looked at the whole thing for 12 months, so now it could be worth looking into again. I will get back to you (but don’t hold your breath!) Shocked